
Who is Charles

Charles' Software Engineer Portfolio

Welcome to my portfolio! I am Charles, a Full-Stack Developer with a passion for creating dynamic and responsive web applications. With expertise in React, React Native, Next.js, and Vercel Database, I strive to deliver high-quality and efficient solutions.

About Me

I am a dedicated software engineer with a strong background in full-stack development. My journey in web development began with a curiosity for how websites are built and evolved into a career where I can create impactful digital experiences. I specialize in building scalable and maintainable applications using modern technologies and best practices. my-photo


Front-End Development

  • Languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • Frameworks: React, React Native, Next.js
  • Tools & Libraries: Redux, Context API, Styled Components, Material-UI

Back-End Development

  • Languages: Node.js, Python
  • Databases: Vercel Database, MongoDB, PostgreSQL
  • API Development: RESTful APIs, GraphQL


  • Version Control: Git, GitHub
  • Deployment: Vercel, Heroku, Docker
  • CI/CD: GitHub Actions, Jenkins

Other Skills

  • Project Management: Agile, Scrum
  • Testing: Jest, Cypress, Mocha
  • Soft Skills: Problem-Solving, Communication, Team Collaboration


Project 1: E-Commerce Platform

Technologies Used: React, Next.js, Vercel Database, Node.js, Stripe API

A fully functional e-commerce platform with features such as product listings, shopping cart, user authentication, and payment processing. Deployed on Vercel for seamless performance and scalability.

Project 2: Mobile App for Task Management

Technologies Used: React Native, Redux, Firebase

A cross-platform mobile application designed to help users manage their tasks efficiently. Features include task creation, categorization, reminders, and push notifications.

Project 3: Personal Blog

Technologies Used: Next.js, Markdown, Vercel

A personal blog built with Next.js, allowing easy content creation using Markdown. The blog is optimized for performance and SEO, and deployed on Vercel.


Software Engineer at Tech Solutions Inc.

Duration: January 2022 - Present

  • Developed and maintained web applications using React and Next.js.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to deliver high-quality products.
  • Implemented CI/CD pipelines using GitHub Actions to streamline deployment processes.
  • Enhanced application performance and user experience through code optimization and best practices.

Junior Developer at Web Innovations

Duration: June 2020 - December 2021

  • Assisted in the development of client-side applications using React.
  • Worked on back-end services with Node.js and integrated with various databases.
  • Participated in code reviews and contributed to improving code quality.


Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

University: University of Technology Graduation Year: 2020


Feel free to reach out to me for any inquiries, collaborations, or just to say hello!

Thank you for visiting my portfolio! I look forward to connecting with you and exploring potential opportunities.